Stay in the Loop!

Professional Marketing Group-North Bay, or PMG, is a non-profit founded in 2011 with one mission: To educate, connect and inspire marketers in the North Bay. Through our series of educational lunch & learns and special events, we aim to provide professional development and continuing education in a social, yet engaging way.

PMG’s member base includes professionals from across the North Bay (Sonoma, Marin, and Napa Counties) that range various marketing specialties, such as:

  • Social Media
  • Communications
  • Sales
  • Advertising
  • Event Management
  • PR
  • …and more!

Our volunteer Board of Directors meets monthly with each director contributing their individual expertise to develop membership benefits, educational programs, community engagement, and like-minded social opportunities, like professional networking.

If you’re interested in learning more about PMG, we invite you to attend any of our quarterly lunch & learns. Better yet, join today and take advantage of our great membership perks.

Sign up below to stay in the loop with PMG news and events:

* indicates required

Starting in 2022 we will implement a regular monthly cadence to our programs. PMG will offer a Lunch & Learn, a Marketing & Coffee or a mixer on the third Wednesday of every month. We’re hoping this will allow everyone to plan ahead and participate every month. Here’s the plan for 2022 programs: